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This morning I spent some time in quiet contemplation in our sunroom. It’s going to be a beautiful, bright, sunny day. I watch the cardinals fly through our yard against a background of trees. Gentle breezes move the leaves and sway the branches. Together these create shifting regions of light and shadow. A variegated ever-changing pattern dancing through the trees. The predominant deep shadows accentuate the pockets of light. A wondrous living presentation. For quite some time I was mesmerized watching the light pierce the dark….

Finally, looking up, I am blinded by the light.

Independence Day

Two Hundred forty-four years ago our country declared its Independence from England stating God given rights of all people that include life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

A Declaration stating that we are all equal and all free.
A noble cause, a noble sentiment.

Look at the news,
Look at our cities and our country.
Where is the equality?
Where is the freedom?

We are all children of God.
We are all created equal.
We are each given the gift of free will.
We are each given the freedom to choose between good and evil.

Will we choose hate, promoting injustice, prejudice, denigration, and subjugation?

Or will we choose love, respecting the dignity of every human being and striving for justice and peace among all people.

Today I have set before each of you.
The freedom to choose…
between life and death,
and blessings and curses.
The freedom to choose…
between Heaven and Hell…
both here on earth, and for eternity.

Choose life


Rescue me

Multitude fed; he sent the twelve away
by boat that night to cross the Galilee Sea
Dismissed the crowd and went up to pray
A strong gale arose, great waves filled the sea

The chosen rowed through the wind and wave
Tossed to and fro fighting not to sink
Near morning Jesus came walking on waves
A ghost they cry, not sure what to think

Lord call me, and on water I’ll walk out
Peter starts to him and begins to think
Strong winds and high waves filling him with doubt
Lord save me he cries, as he starts to sink

Instantly Jesus was there at his side
Reaching out his hand to rescue Peter
Both the wind and waves instantly subside
Like the disciples we all will falter

When life’s so cruel that a path can’t be found
And doubts drag me down, Jesus rescues me
When darkness becomes all I see around
Jesus fills me with light and rescues me

When salvation seemed lost, Jesus loved me
Choosing death on the cross to rescue me
And when time on this world runs out for me
Jesus will reach out his hand and rescue me