
What if the world was only black and white?
Where everyone is all good, or evil.
Where we only walked in the dark or light.
Where one wrong choice was indefensible.

Such is a world without God’s forgiveness.
with no mercy, judged only on our merit,
weighed against all our sins without redress.
Knowing God and heaven, but kept from it.

With divine mercy, God forgives our sins.
What should we do to those who offend us?
Jesus said, we are forgiven our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.

If I don’t forgive, it only hurts me.
Bitterness and anger tear me apart.
The offenses of the past are all I see.
Pain, grudge, and resentment consume my heart.

All powerful negative emotions
which I choose to adopt as my burden
feeding them leads to greater possession
pushing away God, leaving me barren

Forgiving others is a gift to me.
Giving everything to God makes we whole
so the holy spirit can dwell in me
Bringing love and peace to heal my soul.